Submission for funding

Have you seen how great our new gym is looking? It's really taking shape and it's looking just like the flyovers said it would!
As you might have seen on Compass, the THS Redevelopment Group have been busy! Here is what Principal Michael Keenan had to say about our submission.
Dear Parents,
As you would all know, Thornbury High is growing rapidly and two years ago an energetic group of parents formed the ‘Thornbury High Redevelopment Group’. They are totally committed to re-building and expanding our school so our students and staff have the ideal environment to provide an innovative and rigorous 21st century curriculum.
Already, we have almost completed our $5 million new Performing Arts and Gymnasium complex thanks to the state government’s commitment two years ago.
However, this is just the first step in our Masterplan for a complete school redevelopment. Our next two stages include a new STEAM Centre and new learning centres for Junior, Middle and Senior schools.
To ensure we put THS front and centre of government spending decisions, our Group developed a carefully worded, sophisticated submission which outlines all the relevant demographic trends, educational needs and concrete architectural priorities.
We have the invaluable support of our local Member of Parliament, Ms Kat Theophanous and her team. They used their expertise to ensure we covered all the key issues carefully and, most importantly, they have ensured that Minister Merlino has been fully briefed on our needs.
As Kat wrote:
Great work team THS!
You’ve done an excellent job pulling your submission together and I hope our meeting was helpful. You are blessed with a dedicated and passionate school community, and I know how much these upgrades will mean for students and staff.
Our schools are the hearts of our communities, and we need to invest to make them modern, innovative and inspiring learning environments for the future.
Looking forward to continuing to work together to get the best we can for THS.
Warm regards,
Ms Theophanous is highly committed to all the schools in her electorate but we know she is pushing hard to ensure our vital project is funded in this term of government.
Thank you, Kat.
Michael Keenan