Announcing the formation of NESSA

The Northcote Electorate State School Alliance (NESSA) has been formed by a group of concerned parents, to lobby for school building funding after electorate-wide decades of neglect. All the state schools in the Northcote electorate (both primary and secondary) are facing the same challenges of out-of-date and poorly maintained buildings. NESSA is calling on the Victorian government to ensure that all the state school facilities in our electorate are fit for purpose and appropriate for 21st century education.
Cake stalls, trivia nights, and fetes are great fun but the money they raise won’t provide working toilets and proper lighting let alone build modern and inspiring places to learn. To launch their campaign, NESSA is holding an ‘old school’ cake stall at the Northcote Town Hall and urges anyone concerned about the standard of public school facilities to come along and show their support.
WHAT: An old school cake stall to build new school facilities – launch of the Northcote Electorate State Schools Alliance (NESSA).
WHEN: Sunday 11th November, 10am – noon
WHERE: Northcote Town Hall Forecourt, 189 High Street Northcote
NESSA is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and invite you to follow and LIKE them to assist in their lobbying power. Their website is also worth a look at